November 2019: How are you taking care of the (pregnancy) swelling?

<b>November 2019:</b> How are you taking care of the (pregnancy) swelling?

Please take your time to share the GOO.N website with your favorite social media!

Last month's question was "How are you taking care of the (pregnancy) swelling?"


With food and drinks
By exercising 14%
With massages 51%
With cold treatment 7%
I do not take care of it in any particular way
Other 7%


Also, please check the survey result from Japan for the same survey!

How are you taking care of the (pregnancy) swelling?((妊娠中の)むくみケアどうしてる?)

  • 食事やドリンクでケア
  • 体を動かしてケア
  • マッサージでケア
  • 冷え対策でケア
  • 特にケアしてない
  • その他