August 2019: “To be honest, I am anxious about this aspect of pregnancy/childcare” Let us hear what you are anxious about!

<b>August 2019:</b> “To be honest, I am anxious about this aspect of pregnancy/childcare” Let us hear what you are anxious about!

Please take your time to share the GOO.N website with your favorite social media!

Last month's question was "To be honest, I am anxious about this aspect of pregnancy/childcare” Let us hear what you are anxious about!


Anxiety about your body
Anxiety about childbirth 23%
Anxiety about changes in lifestyle 16%
Anxiety about childcare 38%
Anxiety about work 8%
Other 8%


Also, please check the survey result from Japan for the same survey!

To be honest, I am anxious about this aspect of pregnancy/childcare(ぶっちゃけ、産前・産後のこれが不安・・・。あなたの不安聞かせて!)

  • 体型について不安
  • 出産について不安
  • 生活の変化について不安
  • 育児について不安仕事について不安寝具類
  • その他