July 2018: Did you learn the sex of the baby during your pregnancy?

<b>July 2018:</b> Did you learn the sex of the baby during your pregnancy?

Please take your time to share the GOO.N website with your favorite social media! Last month's question was "Did you learn the sex of the baby during your pregnancy?"

I intend to learn the baby's sex soon 5
I was informed by the 7th month 15
I was informed by the 5th month 15
Other 10
I do not intend to be informed of the baby's sex 10


Also, please check the survey result from Japan for the same survey!

Did you learn the sex of the baby during your pregnancy? (性別は妊娠中に教えてもらった?)

  • 5ヶ月頃までに教えてもらった I was informed by the 5th month
  • 7ヶ月頃までに教えてもらった I was informed by the 7th month
  • 9ヶ月頃までに教えてもらった I was informed by the 9th month
  • これから教えてもらう予定 I intend to learn the baby's sex soon
  • 教えてもらう予定はない I do not intend to be informed of the baby's sex
  • その他 Other