Dysbiosis (Dysbacteriosis): causes and preventive care
Dysbiosis (Dysbacteriosis) is a gut condition in which normal digestion and absorption of food are disrupted because of large quantities of pathogenic microbes.
Most often Dysbiosis is caused by Staphylococcus, colon bacillus, Klebsiella and Candida fungi. These microorganisms can be detected using a dysbacteriosis test.
When at normal levels good microflora, lacto- and bifidobacteria suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. However, as soon as the amount of normal microflora decreases there is an abundant growth of bad bacteria that cause dysbacteriosis.
First signs of disturbances in microflora:
- pain
- bloating
- loose, watery stools with a sharp putrefactive odor
- undigested lumps of food
- green shade of the stool
- long constipation of the "sheep feces" type
Often children with Dysbiosis eat badly, they have reduced appetite and allergies to the usual products may appear as the intestinal barrier function is reduced.
The causes of Dysbiosis are:
- Frequent and unreasonable use of antibiotics.
- Poor and monotonous diet: sausages, soda, chips, bread crisps. These products, as well as stale meat and milk which can be infected with pathogenic bacteria, contain a large number of preservatives and coloring agents that suppress normal microflora.
- Irregular eating and frequent sweet snacks, as well as lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet. Scientists have proved that those people who eat a lot of pastry and sweets get Candida fungi, as this causes their abundant growth in the intestine.
- Associated diseases of digestive system, for example, biliary dyskinesia, gastritis, stomatitis, rampant caries.
- Frequent stress, especially during the period of changing the child’s usual environment, long adaptation in the kindergarten. Stress suppresses normal microflora and weakens the child’s immune system.
The main preventive care of Dysbiosis is the elimination of all the above-mentioned causes, as well as the use of probiotics containing beneficial bacteria. They are prescribed by the doctor after gathering medical history and examining the child to determine the type of Dysbiosis.