Hysterics is a widely emotional reaction that is not uncommon for children under the age of 5.
Sometimes even the most well-bred children experience this state. The reason is immature inhibition mechanisms of the child’s psyche, however, the situation usually gets better by age 5 and hysterics no longer trouble children and their parents, but if the situation stays the same, you should consult a doctor.
What to do in case of children under 5? The most important thing is to be patient and remember which of you two is an adult.
First of all, let’s analyze the reasons for the hysterics. If you consider the situation in terms of physiology, the reason may be immature inhibition mechanisms that cannot switch or slow down at the right time and the baby gets hysterical for nothing as it may seem but it is a real problem for him or her. In this case, we can do nothing but wait for the baby to grow up. However, there are some triggers that can be eliminated and wonderful lifehacks.
The triggers include the following.
If you are far away from home, have a long trip, are stuck in a long queue in a polyclinic or spend a long time shopping, your baby may get tired. Children cannot explain clearly, what they feel, but it is no problem for them to throw a tantrum for no reason at all.
We can see the similar situation here: your baby is hungry or thirsty but cannot get what he or she wants here and now.
In this case, we recommend books about the theory of attachment; they will help you consider the upbringing from a new perspective. Your baby can go to extremes to attract your attention even if it is negative.
This situation is typical of the crisis: ‘Must I really behave like my parents have told me?’, ‘If I stamp and scream, do the rules still apply?’. This is how children check their boundaries.
In conclusion, we'd like to note that watching cartoons regularly for more than 20 minutes a day can trigger hysterics too. Therefore, as a precaution, pay attention to the daily regime, feeding, and regularity of walks. When these factors are balanced, the baby’s emotional state is more stable.